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Sending Samples for Analysis Within and Outside Sweden

When biobank samples are to be sent for action or analysis outside the originating organization (e.g., outside Region Uppsala if Uppsala Biobank is responsible for the samples) for research purposes, an agreement (MTA or equivalent) must be established according to the biobank law (biobank law 2023:38, valid from July 1, 2023). The following conditions should be met:

  1. The study must be approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Etikprövningsmyndigheten, EPM).
  2. The sample donor must have given consent for the sample to be sent for action/analysis within Sweden or abroad (unless EPM has granted an exception to this rule).
  3. The samples must be coded.
  4. The biobank manager must establish an agreement (MTA or equivalent) with the recipient. An action could be, for example, an analysis, reformatting, or storage, etc.

It is not necessary to establish an agreement per sample; an agreement between the parties can cover a large number of samples, which may have been sent at the same or different times.

Standard templates for Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) are available on Biobank Sweden's website. Read more about which Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) should be used.


  • Mail: info@uppsalabiobank.uu.se

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Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38, 5 tr
Uppsala Science Park, Hubben
751 85 Uppsala

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